Colorado Pharmacy Tech Requirements

Updated 05/06/2024

Under 2019 state law, pharmacy technicians must obtain a certification from the State Board of Pharmacy (Board). This means you cannot practice in Colorado, without certification from the Board. The easiest way to become a licensed pharmacy technician in Colorado is to pass our course, get certified, and submit your application and fee to the Colorado Board of Pharmacy.

How much do pharmacy technicians make in Colorado? $22.67/hr

Colorado State Requirements:

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB) Requirements:

  • You must have not been convicted of any felonies or drug related misdemeanors
  • Complete a PTCB-Recognized Training Program
  • Complete the application process at and include, as part of the application process, pay the exam fee of $129

Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Continuing Education Requirements:

  • Obtain 20 hours of Continuing Education (CE) during 2 year re-certification cycle
  • 1 hour must be in Pharmacy Law, 1 hour must be in Patient Safety
  • All Continuing Education must be Tech-Specific
  • The PTCB re-certification Fee is $40 and is payable to the PTCB every 2 years