Course Completion Badge

You’ll now be able to claim your completion badge from Credly. You can share this digital badge with the PTCB and future employers for verification, as well as social media to celebrate your accomplishment.

For the 4,000 or so students that already passed our course, you will receive a personal email to the email address used when signing up to claim your badge. Thank you for being the best part of RxTechExam!

Earners of this badge have gained foundational knowledge of Medications, Medical Terminology, Pharmacology, Pharmacy law, regulations, Prescriptions, Pharmaceutical Calculations, Nonsterile Compounding, Patient Safety, as well as the roles and responsibilities of a Pharmacy Technician. 123CPhT is a PTCB-Recognized Course, qualifying earners of this certificate to sit for the Pharmacy Technician Certification Board Exam (PTCE) and obtain their Certified Pharmacy Technician Credential (CPhT).

Badge Benefits

A quality credential clearly explains what you can do, what you did to earn this and who says you earned it. It is more than a piece of paper.

-The digital version of a credential is easy to share online

-The digital version of a credential is secure

-This is a trusted method for real-time verification; it is not self reported

-You’ll see direct connections between skills and jobs

Access Forever

You earned it. Once you accept your badge from RxTechExam, there will be a permanent place on the internet for your badge. The PTCB and future employers can access it and verify it’s authenticity quickly and easily. You can also share it on social media, and you should because it’s okay to be proud of an accomplishment like this.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an completion badge?

Completion badges are web-enabled versions of a credential, certification or learning outcome which can be verified in real-time, online.

How does my certification get displayed as a badge?

We have partnered with Credly to translate the learning outcomes you’ve demonstrated into a badge, issued and managed through the company digital badging platform. The technology Credly uses is based on the Open Badge Standards maintained by IMS Global. This enables you to manage, share and verify your competencies digitally.

What are the benefits of a badge?

Representing your skills as a badge gives you a way to share your abilities online in a way that is simple, trusted and can be easily verified in real time. Badges provide employers and peers concrete evidence of what you had to do to earn your credential and what you’re now capable of. Credly also offers labor market insights, based on your skills.

How will I know if I’ve earned a badge?

You will receive an email notification from Credly ([email protected]) with instructions for claiming your badge and setting up your account.

What are the course completion requirements?

Passing all quizzes and Final Exam within the attempts allowed.

Do I have to create an account with Credly?

Yes, for verification purposes. But the PTCB also utilizes Credly, so you might as well. It’s only your name, and email address for validation.